Privacy Policy


Our Privacy Policies explains how we collect, store, protect, and share your information and with whom we share it. We suggest you read this in conjunction with our Terms of Service. We take the privacy of all

users seriously and your information is never sold to any third party. You give Match That LLC permission to notify you via email of issues with your account, promotions and new feature updates. Match That

LLC shall use all reasonable efforts to protect personal information submitted by you in connection with the Match That mobile application and web services and shall use such information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You acknowledge and agree that your submission of any information is at your sole risk and to the maximum amount permitted by law. Match That LLC hereby disclaims any and all liability to you for any loss or liability relating to such information in any way. No mobile application, website, or internet transmission is ever completely 100%

secure and we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss or other breaches will never occur. By downloading and installing our app, you agree that we can collect, transfer, store, disclose, and use your information for the purpose of improving our services as described in this policy.

Usage of the Match That mobile application functions Home Screen – The home button can be found at the top right corner on every screen. When clicked from any other screen, users will be directed back to the home screen. A photo of the user is linked to the user’s profile.Users can access all services of plan purchased from profile screen. All sites with the Match That button and codes, affiliates, partnerships, how to use app, and contact information are listed on the home screen.

The following data can be accessed from the profile screen:

Inbox Users can send and receive photos to and from contacts with active Match That accounts. Photos can include a brief description. Once a photo is saved, it is sent to the files and saved photos section for later use. The inbox will be highlighted when there are unread messages. Updates on new features, services/sales from Match That and favorite sites visited are also found here. We do not provide your information to Third Party vendors, you choose to visit websites, purchaseproduct/services, sign up for email, subscription/membership, free giveaways, contest, employment, and any/all interactions with

Third Party Vendors at your own free will and risk. Match That LLC takes no liability for any actions taken by you as the user or the Third Party Vendor. We do not guarantee the results of any Third Party Vendor products or services. Once you have left the Match That mobile application or website, you agree to the terms of service for the Third Party Vendor that you are interacting with.

Contacts– Permission is required to upload only contacts with active Match That accounts or users can choose to manually enter contacts. However, all new users must agree to the terms of service agreement prior to activating new account. After proper steps are taken to establish an account, new users may be saved as contact, both users can send and receive photos for color matching and use features/services of plan purchased.

Saved photos– Contains photos of items taken and saved together using the Match That mobile application services. Each file can be updated/changed, or deleted as needed.

Saved photos User agree to give Match That mobile application permission to access selected photos on mobile device. Your photos are only saved for color matching and will not be used for any other

purpose. Single photos can be saved to use at a later time. Once a user has saved the amount allowed per version of app, they must delete old photos in order to save new ones. Do not take, save, send or accept inappropriate photo using the Match That mobile application as this violates the terms of this agreement and your account could be suspended indefinitely

Settings– Users can upload a picture of themselves and add name to profile. Users can change password and choose how to receive notifications. If at any time you no longer wish to receive notifications from Match That LLC or our affiliates, turn off all notifications or choose which to keep. By doing so, you agree not to hold Match That LLC or our affiliates liable for any updates, features/services, offers, and upgrades that you may miss out on. You agree to abide by all T\ terms of use and will be updated of any changes via inbox in the app. Your failure to agree to any of our terms will result in suspension/termination.

Upgrades– Once a user has purchased any version of the app, they can upgrade to the latest version for the difference in cost. Users will not have to set up a new account to get features of upgrade. Users must upgrade from within the app and must agree to any and all terms of use agreement updates. Only one version of the app can be loaded on a mobile device at a time.

Refer a friend– User can choose to send a message via text or email to a friend requesting to download the Match That mobile application. It is up to the user to send such request. Match That LLC does not agree to pay or compensate any user or company for new user email sign ups or mobile downloads, unless agreed in writing. We reserve the right to offer new features/services and price points to new users that may not have been offered at the time of previous users account set up. Any promotions, contest, added features/services, upgrades, and price point are at the discretion of Match That LLC.

Delete account– You can choose to delete your account at any time. Your account can be deleted by clicking the delete account button. You will be asked if you are sure of your action. After account is deleted, user can repurchase the app at a later time however, any data or photos taken using the app with a previous account cannot be recovered.

Sending and receiving photos from contacts– All saved contacts with the active Match That app can send a photo with a brief message directly to app inbox. It is recommended to take photos using app to allow the auto adjust and other features for camera/lighting to function properly. Users can choose to use photo at the time taken, save for later use, or add to another file. Two (2) to four (4) photos can be sent at a time and users can send to an individual or a group of people. Every photo taken, sent to or from the app will be auto adjusted to appear exactly the same on all users mobile device screens. All users must own photos or have permission to use these photos. As your photos are unique, you are responsible and liable for your photos and will indemnify, defend, release, and hold us harmless from any claim made in connection with your photos.

Files and Saved photos Screen – All photos taken or sent from contacts will be saved in this section. Users can create a file and compare items side by side. Two (2) to four (4) items can be saved in each file. Users can add/change the names of file, update photos, or delete files as needed. Permission is always required to access the camera and user selects which photos are uploaded and saved to the app.

Sites visited history Screen – Every site visited using the app will be listed on this screen. Users can revisit website or save site as a favorite. Sites marked as favorites will automatically be listed in drop tab on the home screen. All users agree to the terms of use for sites visited.

If you have any questions regarding this Agreement, you may contact us at

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